
Average score 639 Reviews
Clarisse Bnmlr noted on Google

Troisième fois que je me rends dans ce restaurant et jamais déçue ! Plats savoureux, serveuses très serviables. Nous reviendrons ! (Translated by Google) Third time I've been to this restaurant and never disappointed! Tasty dishes, very helpful waitresses. We will come back !

2 days ago
Ioana Cozariuc noted on Google

4 days ago
Leticia Richard noted on Google

super poulet frit

4 days ago
AC MCG noted on Google

Meilleur resto coréen à Lyon ! On a testé le poulet frit ainsi que le bibimbap au bœuf et c’était vraiment délicieux. Les serveuses sont aussi très souriantes et agréables. On conseille fortement. Gahm sa hab ni da !🫰🏼 (Translated by Google) Best Korean restaurant in Lyon! We tried the fried chicken as well as the beef bibimbap and it was really delicious. The waitresses are also very cheerful and pleasant. We strongly recommend. Gahm sa hab ni da!🫰🏼

5 days ago
MelMatt noted on Google

Bonne cuisine faite maison. Service très agréable, le personnel très souriant. (Translated by Google) Good home cooked food. Very pleasant service, very smiling staff.

5 days ago
Sandra D noted on Google

(Translated by Google) It was a wonderful visit to this restaurant today. The food was excellent, as was the service! This pearl is hidden quite inconspicuously on a small side street, where a reservation is obviously essential. (Original) Ganz wunderbar war der Besuch heute in diesem Restaurant. Die Speisen waren vorzüglich, der Service ebenfalls! Ganz unscheinbar in einer kleinen Nebenstraße versteckt sich diese Perle, bei der eine Reservierung offenbar zu Recht unumgänglich ist.

5 days ago
L'eau rit noted on Google

L'un des meilleurs restaurants Coréens sur Lyon! (Translated by Google) One of the best Korean restaurants in Lyon!

5 days ago
Sarah saul noted on Google

5 days ago
Roxana Cozariuc noted on Google

6 days ago
leo fratello noted on Google

Ayant déjà fait des restaurants coréens et aimant cette culture, j'avais une petite connaissance de ce qui pouvait y être proposé. Et tout y est !! Que des classiques réalisés à la perfection, avec de belles portions ! Le service est rapide et les serveuses très aimable (on était avec nos grand-parents qui avaient du mal à ce décider). Le cadre est calme, le volume de la musique suffisant. Un poil de déco en + er ça serait la perfection ! Merci pour ce repas 😎 (Translated by Google) Having already visited Korean restaurants and loving this culture, I had a little knowledge of what could be offered there. And it’s all there!! Only classics made to perfection, with great portions! The service is fast and the waitresses very friendly (we were with our grandparents who had difficulty deciding). The setting is calm, the volume of the music sufficient. A little extra decoration would be perfection! Thank you for this meal 😎

6 days ago

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